My Mother’s Fashion in 1977.

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My mother was never a fashion plate. She just didn’t care all that much about how she looked. She was confident she was attractive and didn’t believe in wasting too much time focusing on her looks.

Seeing this photo though, it makes me think how stylish she actually was. I lost my mom in 2006, and by that time, her fashion had moved from a unique style to an all graphic tee and denim wardrobe–wearing her politics literally.

She was gone before the swearing in of our first African-American president, but I’m convinced were she alive today, tees like these would be her staple pieces.

Ruth didn't hold her opinions to herself.
Zara-a trouser Ruth would have lived in.
H & M--Ruth would have loved this.
My mother Ruth in 1977.
Mom in 1964 with my cousin Liz. She was everyone's favorite aunt.