Just Keepin’ It Real–Real inexpensive…

Not to be outdone by the NY Times…But I was late to the party.

This past Thursday they went with a story about outfitting your home via the .99 Cent store. I was miffed I missed this.

So, I got into my Prius and drove my butt to the nearest .99 Cent store to see if I could indeed find great deal worthy of the over-priced gas it would cost me to get there.

First off I found these really cool glasses, bowls, and plates…Love the bright colors. Next, I found a bit of fashion…great panties, trendy feathered earrings, and a nifty 5-piece Pedicure kit…

In the end I bought pens, highlighters, bleach, kitchen scissors, and grapes for $5.29. Not bad. The pens don’t work tho…just sayin’.

.99 Feather earrings
.99 bowls
.99 Mugs in great colors